I remember a lovely lady coming in for a consultation with Steve Kelso for the possibility of having dental implants a couple of years ago. She was in her eighties and was living life to the full, but she confided that when finally she had to have a denture to replace missing teeth it was, in fact, the first time she felt ‘old’. She had been fitted with denture some time before and just couldn’t get used to it: the way it felt in her mouth and concern that it may dislodge whilst she ate.
Fortunately, SK was able to provide her with an implant retained denture and she felt transformed once again.
Implants are considered the gold standard for replacing missing teeth, eliminating the need to drill into otherwise healthy teeth in the making of a bridge, and reducing the inevitable bone loss in the jaw that results from tooth loss.
So implants can be a solution for just one missing tooth or many.
A bit about Straumann………
More than 14 million implants placed worldwide
Swiss precision engineering and clinical excellence, the Straumann® Dental Implant System has earned worldwide trust. Clinicians in over 70 countries have placed more than 14 million Straumann implants.
So you can have confidence that the products we use are the very best.
And the Implantologist….
SK has been placing implants for 20 years, has studied at Dental implant Master-Classes throughout Britain, Europe and America in advanced implant techniques such as sinus grafting and lifting, guided bone regeneration, bone grafting, implants in the aesthetic region and smile design with implants, and a mentor for postgraduates.
We are privileged to offer his services.
And one last thing to mention, if you think you would like implant therapy but are feeling nervous about such a procedure, sedation is available.
Post by Cathy ‘